Accessory Dwelling Unit Legislation: Promises and Potential Pitfalls


Introduction Updated September 2019 | Embarcadero Institute Board With the ongoing affordable housing crisis in California, dozens of statewide bills have been proposed in the current legislative cycle. These include Senate Bills 330, 592 and 50. Among those currently proposed housing bills, four Assembly bills are under consideration that [...]

Senate Bill 592: A Dangerous Shift Toward Development Interests, and No Guarantee that Affordable Units Get Built


Overview Updated September 10, 2019 Senate Bill 592 “The Housing Accountability Act” is a statewide bill intended to incentivize the development of affordable and moderate-income housing in California by limiting the powers of local governments to disapprove most housing developments. Under state law, “housing developments” include residential units, mixed-use [...]

Senate Bill 330: Complicates Development But Does Not Solve Housing Challenges


SB 330 - Overview Embarcadero Institute | Updated August 20, 2019 Senate Bill 330 “The Housing Crisis Act of 2019” is a statewide bill intended to reduce the time it takes to approve housing developments in California. Under state law, “housing developments” include residential units, mixed-use with a large [...]

A Comparison Between SB-50 and Palo Alto’s New Housing Ordinance


OVERVIEW Updated May 2019 The City of Palo Alto updated its zoning code in late 2018 and early 2019 to encourage additional development of affordable multifamily housing.  The changes increase allowable density in the RM-15 residential multifamily zone (now RM-20), and the City’s commercial/mixed use zones (CN, CC, CC(2), CS [...]

Senate Bill 50: Impacts on Palo Alto


OVERVIEW OF SB-50 Updated April 10, 2019 California Senate Bill 50 (SB-50) is designed to incentivize higher density housing development near major transit stops, major bus routes, and in “areas of high-opportunity close to jobs” throughout California. The Bill requires local governments to grant “equitable communities incentives” waiving certain [...]

Senate Bill 827 Analysis


OVERVIEW Updated March 2019 California Senate Bill 827 was introduced in January 2018 and was designed to incentivize housing development near major transit stops and routes throughout California. The bill, as currently written, would “upzone” properties within ½ mile of a “Major Transit Stop” or with ¼ mile of a [...]

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